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March 2023

Scaljet® medical device successful study completion at the LADAF (Laboratoire d’Anatomie des Alpes Françaises), CHU Grenoble.

Scaljet is delighted to announce very positive and promising results of its most recent study carried out on a human body at the LADAF. 


The aim of this study was to demonstrate and confirm the outstanding performance of our latest development of the “Aero-Hydro” device in multiple surgery uses:


Key highlights of the Scaljet® device in section and cross section: 

  • Cristal clear visualization of the section plans enabled by Scaljet’s exclusive “Focal Point” and “Blowing effect” at high pressure with low flow.

  • Incredible accuracy and cutting quality on resistant structures such as skin, fascia, peritoneum, vascular walls…due to the high-pressure convergent micro-jets.

  • Potential limited blood loss due to minimally invasive section.


Key highlights of the Scaljet® device in dissection: 

  • Highly performant pneumatization of grease and planes of dissection between fascia’s.

  • Soft and precise dissection, qualities of parenchyma and no alteration of soft structures…

  • No risk of tissue damage because of Scaljet‘s exclusive “Blowing effect” combined with our “Safety End-piece”.

  • Great potentials to clean soiled wounds, bones, and joints using the “Blowing effect”.


Key highlights of the Scaljet® device in mixed section/dissection:

  • Remarkable efficiency and quality in the skeletonization of pedicles and complex structures such as liver, pancreas, neurovascular strips…



“The Scaljet® innovative and protected technology, featuring pressurized air with dual convergent high-pressure micro-jets of physiological saline sterile solution combined with its exclusive focal point and blowing effect, has once again demonstrated its incredible performance and opens the door to increased surgery potentials ahead. Whenever coagulation is required, the effectiveness of bipolar energy is enhanced because of saline solution conductivity and the precise skeletonization on vascular elements created by our blowing effect”. said Dr. Pierre MONOD, Scaljet President & Chief Medical Officer.



Many thanks to Professor CHANFFANJON, Head of the LADAF, for helping our team organize this study and for giving us access to this incredible medical centre facility.


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December 2018

Good Design®, one of the world’s most prestigious Design Award Prizes organized by The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design was awarded to SCALJET for the outstanding design of its “Aero-Hydro dissector”, in the Medical category.​

This High-tech design masterpiece was created to improve
Laparoscopic Minimally Invasive Surgery, with the focus of providing benefits to both Surgeon and Patient.  

SCALJET’s device aims to reduce traumatic effects thanks to it patented “Blowing effect”, a fan of fluid and air which lifts the elements surrounding the organs, allowing for easier identification and a safe dissection of the organ itself without any damage to the arteries, veins and less bleeding.​"We are confident that SCALJET is on the path to become the Gold Standard for Minimally Invasive fine Surgery."​

For more information, please click on this link:

November 2018


Scaljet - Finalist and 5th Laureate of the CIC Start-up Contest: “Innover dans un monde qui bouge”.

Scaljet was honored to be selected by the CIC Committee amongst a panel of 130 French start-ups that all promoted Innovation and Disruptive Technology.


It has a been a fantastic opportunity for our company to be able to present our Exclusive Technology, to pitch in front of a large panel of Entrepreneurs, and to engage into networking sessions with potential investors such as Venture Capital and Business Angels.


Again, a big THANK to the CIC bank for the organization and sponsoring of this amazing event!



On picture: Alain VUILLAUME, Scaljet Chief Commercial & Operations Officer

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June 2018

SCALJET team is very pleased to share the positive results of our In Vivo Trial which was carried out at PRAXI MEDICA wet lab, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.


Dr. Pierre MONOD, SCALJET President & Chief Medical Officer, assisted by Dr. Revaz KHARTCHILAVA, Director of PRAXI MEDICA Moscow and Dr. Nikoley GRIGORIEV, Head of Department Urology at Medical School European Medical Center Moscow, had the opportunity to validate the performance of the SCALJET® Aero-Hydro-dissector.

The aim of this trial was to conduct both open surgery and laparoscopic surgery with our current prototype, in order to highlight both Surgeons and Patients benefits of our unmatched technology. 


The outcome of this trial has been so encouraging that we are happy to announce the development of our next generation device for Laparoscopic Hydro-dissection applications. 

Again a big “THANK YOU” to both Dr. Revaz KHARTCHILAVA and Dr. Nikoley GRIGORIEV (from left to right) for facilitating this trial and to Dr. Valentin RUBANOV, member of the Surgical team at Urology Department European Medical Center Moscow, for his highly appreciated assistance during these tests.

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May 2018

We are very happy to announce that SCALJET has a new Advisory Board Member with M. Stefanos KONANDREAS, for Design & Product Development. 


Stefanos Konandreas brings over 15 years of experience in Design, Engineering, and Manufacturing acquired in both Medical Device and High-Tech companies such as SoPlus, Zimmer Surgical, Juvaplus and Electro Medical Systems.


On top of his amazing background, Stefanos  is also know as the 1st author and co-author of multiples industrial patents that have been granted, and won several design awards.

Welcome Stefanos ! On the road to make a great team together, expanding SCALJET ambitious plan to offer smarter Hydro Dissection solution!!

    October 2017

    It‘s a great pleasure to introduce the talented team of scientists from the 2017 Master II Lab’Science Trading from Grenoble UFR Chemistry and Biology.


    During their Sales & Marketing courses, this team of scientists will conduct Health Economics & Outcomes Research, as well as consolidating clinical data to confirm SCALJET’s value proposition.  This team will closely interact with medical professionals around the world such as doctors, surgeons and nurses to gather feedback about SCALJET’s technology* and its promising applications in surgery.

    From left to right: Gloriya GATEVA, Xiyu QIAN, Laura NEYT, Alain VUILLAUME (SCALJET), Ali ABBASI, Ghislaine PELLAT (Manager Sales & Marketing at UFR Chemistry and Biology), Dimitri TISSOT, Patrick LELORIEUX (President, Investment & Business Consulting), Mary BABOJIAN, Amna DERROUICHE, and Nadim MIRA.

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    June 2017

    It is a great pleasure to announce the signature of a Market Study Agreement between SCALJET and LabScience Trading (Grenoble UFR Chemistry and Biology).

    All through Q4’ 2017, twelve MBA LabScienceTrading students will have the opportunity to work on the real case study of SCALJET, whose focus is on the highly promising usage of high pressure micro-jets in Surgery.

    Mrs. Ghislaine PELLAT, Manager Sales & Marketing from UFR Chemistry and Biology and M. Alain VUILLAUME, SCALJET Chief Commercial & Operations Officer.

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    January 2017

    Scaljet receives Award:
    "For the Best Operative Technique"

    SCALJET received the “Award for the Best Operative Technique” from Professor Sergey Petrovich Darenkov, Chief Urologist of Administration Department of the President of the Russian Federation, Head of the Urology Department at the Central State Medical Academy.​ Dr. Pierre Monod, SCALJET President & Chief Medical Officer introduced our Technology at the Russian Urological Videoconference, Moscow.

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